main services
Petroleum Field Laboratory through it’s tenure of working with Amoco, BP, Chevron and many other groups in both there production and upstream facilities has developed a practical way to help. So often groups have a problem and do not know how to solve them. Let PFL guide you through practical scientific inquiry aimed at solving you specific problem. Unlike some labs PFL is not focused on pushing a high volume of samples through it’s lab it is instead focused on specialty work, individual producer problems and realizing that your 126$ inlet sample may be the key to the measurement for a high value, high volume e3m3 inlet. We know the numbers matter!
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did you know?
For more information contact the lab directly at 780-622-4448. A person will answer this phone 24 hours a day! We apologize that some times there is a 3-6 min wait but we to guarantee you will reach a real person!
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special services
- Analysis in your Company logo
- Speciality projects or Repots
- GHG Analytical Studies
- Dehy Studies
- Breakdown of Solids in Gas/Oil/Water
- Produced Water Corrosively Studies
- Unknown Identification “What’s it?”
what’s new
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